
UNNAMED. Objects and Places after the Revival Process - booklet made by Francesco Trupia



Objects and Places after the Revival Process


This interactive booklet collects a series of objects, places, and sounds that materialise a web of post-memories recollected by young Turks and Muslims in today’s Bulgaria. The material speaks of family traumas and experiences of the so-called "Revival Process" – namely, the assimilation campaign orchestrated by the Bulgarian Communist regime in the 1980s against the Bulgarian citizens of Muslim identity and Turkish roots.

This small-scale project is the culmination of qualitative research conducted by Francesco Trupia at the University Centre of Excellence “Interacting Minds, Societies, and Environments - IMSErt” at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. While (hi)stories and post-memories were recollected during in-depth interviews between 2020 and 2021, objects were later collected in a follow-up fieldwork conducted in Bulgaria between October and December 2021.



Acknowledgment: This booklet has been realised thanks to the help of Alex Lubinski and Mihail Bomastyk, the kind support of Forum für Mittelost und Südosteuropa, Switzerland, the logistic coordination of Margarita Spasova, and the host of the Laboratory for the Study of Collective Memory in Post-Communist Europe in Toruń, Poland.

Disclaimer: The contents of the booklet are the responsibility of Francesco Trupia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views and opinions of the aforementioned organisations and institutions, and do not represent the views of any other contributor. Some insights have been published in "What would have been my name? The Post-Memory of the “Generation After” the Revival Process in Bulgaria" in Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 9 (1): 47-64, available here.

Agata Domachowska